Art Projects
Shell Sculpture by: Lauri deGaris
Using shells found in the sand and the beach as a canvas, we create works of art that honor our natural and cultural resources. Seashells have been highly prized and collected for thousands of years. Seashells represent rebirth, regeneration and rejuvenation. Our beaches are made of highly energized quartz sand. Combine energy from the sand, seashells, salt water, oceans sounds and you have the recipe for peace of mind. Join us for Beach Art fun!
Right Whale Shell Mosaics
Our largest public art projects celebrate the arrival of North Atlantic Right Whale mothers along our coast. Starting in December, whales appear off our shores to give birth. They will remain in our area for up to 4 months. In an effort to raise awareness about Right Whales and the gifts they have provided to humanity over the centuries, we create life size mosaics out of oysters shells. Locals and visitors, young and old, can participate by collecting oyster shells from the beach and bringing them to our next event. Location and date to be announced soon.
Watch how we created Amelia The Right Whale - Click Here